How would I skip optional arguments in a function call?

Your post is correct. Unfortunately, if you need to use an optional parameter at the very end of the parameter list, you have to specify everything up until that last parameter. Generally if you want to mix-and-match, you give them default values of ” or null, and don’t use them inside the function if they … Read more

Does PHP allow named parameters so that optional arguments can be omitted from function calls?

No, it is not possible (before PHP 8.0): if you want to pass the third parameter, you have to pass the second one. And named parameters are not possible either. A “solution” would be to use only one parameter, an array, and always pass it… But don’t always define everything in it. For instance : … Read more

How can I use optional parameters in a T-SQL stored procedure?

Dynamically changing searches based on the given parameters is a complicated subject and doing it one way over another, even with only a very slight difference, can have massive performance implications. The key is to use an index, ignore compact code, ignore worrying about repeating code, you must make a good query execution plan (use … Read more

Is there a way to provide named parameters in a function call in JavaScript?

ES2015 and later In ES2015, parameter destructuring can be used to simulate named parameters. It would require the caller to pass an object, but you can avoid all of the checks inside the function if you also use default parameters: myFunction({ param1 : 70, param2 : 175}); function myFunction({param1, param2}={}){ // …function body… } // … Read more

Normal arguments vs. keyword arguments

There are two related concepts, both called “keyword arguments“. On the calling side, which is what other commenters have mentioned, you have the ability to specify some function arguments by name. You have to mention them after all of the arguments without names (positional arguments), and there must be default values for any parameters which … Read more