Swift optional escaping closure parameter

from: swift-users mailing list Basically, @escaping is valid only on closures in function parameter position. The noescape-by-default rule only applies to these closures at function parameter position, otherwise they are escaping. Aggregates, such as enums with associated values (e.g. Optional), tuples, structs, etc., if they have closures, follow the default rules for closures that are … Read more

Chaining Optionals in Java 8

Use a Stream: Stream.of(find1(), find2(), find3()) .filter(Optional::isPresent) .map(Optional::get) .findFirst(); If you need to evaluate the find methods lazily, use supplier functions: Stream.of(this::find1, this::find2, this::find3) .map(Supplier::get) .filter(Optional::isPresent) .map(Optional::get) .findFirst();

Why java.util.Optional is not Serializable, how to serialize the object with such fields

This answer is in response to the question in the title, “Shouldn’t Optional be Serializable?” The short answer is that the Java Lambda (JSR-335) expert group considered and rejected it. That note, and this one and this one indicate that the primary design goal for Optional is to be used as the return value of … Read more