What is a good way to shutdown Threads blocked on NamedPipeServer#WaitForConnection?

This is cheesy, but it is the only method I have gotten to work. Create a ‘fake’ client and connect to your named pipe to move past the WaitForConnection. Works every time. Also, even Thread.Abort() did not fix this issue for me. _pipeserver.Dispose(); _pipeserver = null; using (NamedPipeClientStream npcs = new NamedPipeClientStream(“pipename”)) { npcs.Connect(100); }

Multithreaded NamePipeServer in C#

You can write a multi threaded pipe server by repeatedly creating a NamedPipeServerStream and waiting for one connection, then spawning a thread for that instance of NamedPipeServerStream. You can only have 254 concurrent clients though according to the .NET MSDN documentation linked below. For Win32 APIs though you can pass a special value to get … Read more

Python read named PIPE

In typical UNIX fashion, read(2) returns 0 bytes to indicate end-of-file which can mean: There are no more bytes in a file The other end of a socket has shutdown the connection The writer has closed a pipe In your case, fifo.read() is returning an empty string, because the writer has closed its file descriptor. … Read more

Create Named Pipe C++ Windows

You cannot create a named pipe by calling CreateFile(..). Have a look at the pipe examples of the MSDN. Since these examples are quite complex I’ve quickly written a VERY simple named pipe server and client. int main(void) { HANDLE hPipe; char buffer[1024]; DWORD dwRead; hPipe = CreateNamedPipe(TEXT(“\\\\.\\pipe\\Pipe”), PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_BYTE | PIPE_READMODE_BYTE | PIPE_WAIT, // … Read more

IPC performance: Named Pipe vs Socket

Best results you’ll get with Shared Memory solution. Named pipes are only 16% better than TCP sockets. Results are get with IPC benchmarking: System: Linux (Linux ubuntu 4.4.0 x86_64 i7-6700K 4.00GHz) Message: 128 bytes Messages count: 1000000 Pipe benchmark: Message size: 128 Message count: 1000000 Total duration: 27367.454 ms Average duration: 27.319 us Minimum duration: … Read more

What are named pipes?

Both on Windows and POSIX systems, named-pipes provide a way for inter-process communication to occur among processes running on the same machine. What named pipes give you is a way to send your data without having the performance penalty of involving the network stack. Just like you have a server listening to a IP address/port … Read more

How to open a Windows named pipe from Java?

Use Named Pipes to Communicate Between Java and .Net Processes Relevant part in the link try { // Connect to the pipe RandomAccessFile pipe = new RandomAccessFile(“\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe”, “rw”); String echoText = “Hello word\n”; // write to pipe pipe.write ( echoText.getBytes() ); // read response String echoResponse = pipe.readLine(); System.out.println(“Response: ” + echoResponse ); pipe.close(); } … Read more