Should I use a single or multiple database setup for a multi-client application? [closed]

I usually add ClientID to all tables and go with one database. But since the database is usually hard to scale I will also make it possible to run on different database instances for some or all clients. That way you can have a bunch of small clients in one database and the big ones … Read more

Multi-tenancy: Managing multiple datasources with Spring Data JPA

To implement multi-tenancy with Spring Boot we can use AbstractRoutingDataSource as base DataSource class for all ‘tenant databases‘. It has one abstract method determineCurrentLookupKey that we have to override. It tells the AbstractRoutingDataSource which of the tenant datasource it has to provide at the moment to work with. Because it works in the multi-threading environment, … Read more

What are the advantages of using a single database for EACH client?

Assume there’s no scaling penalty for storing all the clients in one database; for most people, and well configured databases/queries, this will be fairly true these days. If you’re not one of these people, well, then the benefit of a single database is obvious. In this situation, benefits come from the encapsulation of each client. … Read more

How to create a multi-tenant database with shared table structures?

However there are some companies of course who fear that their data might be compromised, so we are evaluating other solutions. This is unfortunate, as customers sometimes suffer from a misconception that only physical isolation can offer enough security. There is an interesting MSDN article, titled Multi-Tenant Data Architecture, which you may want to check. … Read more

How to design a multi tenant mysql database [closed]

There are several approaches to multi-tenant databases. For discussion, they’re usually broken into three categories. One database per tenant. Shared database, one schema per tenant. Shared database, shared schema. A tenant identifier (tenant key) associates every row with the right tenant. MSDN has a good article on the pros and cons of each design, and … Read more

Multiple schemas versus enormous tables [closed]

I want to see which method is more efficient in terms of querying in the database. In a multi-tenant database, querying is only part of the problem. Other parts of the problem are cost, data isolation and protection, maintenance, and disaster recovery. These are significant; you can’t consider only query efficiency in a multi-tenant database. … Read more