class method generates “TypeError: … got multiple values for keyword argument …”

The problem is that the first argument passed to class methods in python is always a copy of the class instance on which the method is called, typically labelled self. If the class is declared thus: class foo(object): def foodo(self, thing=None, thong=’not underwear’): print thing if thing else “nothing” print ‘a thong is’,thong it behaves … Read more

If statement using == gives unexpected result [duplicate]

You need to use String.equals(), not ==. == checks if two Object references refer to the same Object: if(“s”.equals(word) || “t”.equals(word) || … From section 15.21.3 Reference Equality Operators == and != of the Java Language Specification 3.0: While == may be used to compare references of type String, such an equality test determines whether … Read more

Constructor behaving differently using ES6 shorthand notation

The specification isn’t very direct about explaining this, but we can follow a short chain.. We’ll start at EvaluateNew, since that’s the behaviour we’re wondering about. Step 7 is clearly the one we’re looking for here: If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. So IsConstructor is where we need to look next. Both the … Read more

How do you create a method for a custom object in JavaScript?

You can see from the answers that you have already that there is more than one way. #1 var o = new Object(); o.method = function(){} #2 var o = new Object(); o.prototype.method = function(){} #3 function myObject() { this.method = function(){} } var o = new myObject(); #4 function myObject() {} myObject.prototype.method = function(){} … Read more

How can I create a Java method that accepts a variable number of arguments?

You could write a convenience method: public PrintStream print(String format, Object… arguments) { return System.out.format(format, arguments); } But as you can see, you’ve simply just renamed format (or printf). Here’s how you could use it: private void printScores(Player… players) { for (int i = 0; i < players.length; ++i) { Player player = players[i]; String … Read more

Passing just a type as a parameter in C#

There are two common approaches. First, you can pass System.Type object GetColumnValue(string columnName, Type type) { // Here, you can check specific types, as needed: if (type == typeof(int)) { // … This would be called like: int val = (int)GetColumnValue(columnName, typeof(int)); The other option would be to use generics: T GetColumnValue<T>(string columnName) { // … Read more

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