could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory

This listener is since JSF 1.x supposed to be automatically registered by the jsf_core.tld tag library definition file. You can find it in the /META-INF folder of the JSF implementation JAR file. In case of Mojarra 2.1.3 (which you seem to be using according the logs), the listener is registered as follows from line 80 … Read more

How to control VM arguments for maven-jetty-plugin?

The enviroment variable MAVEN_OPTS is the answer. The string content of MAVEN_OPTS is passed to JVM (java.exe). Linux: in shell type export MAVEN_OPTS=…. Windows: in shell (cmd.exe) type set MAVEN_OPTS=… For example: on Windows set MAVEN_OPTS=”-Xmx1024m” sets the heap size of the Maven process to 1024mb. Update (01.04.2013): Pass it directly to Jetty. Matthew Farwell … Read more