what is return type of assignment operator?

The standard correctly defines the return type of an assignment operator. Actually, the assignment operation itself doesn’t depend on the return value – that’s why the return type isn’t straightforward to understanding. The return type is important for chaining operations. Consider the following construction: a = b = c;. This should be equal to a … Read more

Why array type object is not modifiable?

Assume the declaration int a[10]; then all of the following are true: the type of the expression a is “10-element array of int“; except when a is the operand of the sizeof or unary & operators, the expression will be converted to an expression of type “pointer to int” and its value will be the … Read more

Why doesn’t a+++++b work?

Compilers are written in stages. The first stage is called the lexer and turns characters into a symbolic structure. So “++” becomes something like an enum SYMBOL_PLUSPLUS. Later, the parser stage turns this into an abstract syntax tree, but it can’t change the symbols. You can affect the lexer by inserting spaces (which end symbols … Read more