focus() not working in safari or chrome

I got the answer on my own, it might seem weak, and too simple, but it works. Ready for this awesomeness..? Just add a timer of 0 to the focus…for some reason it just gives it enough time to fully load the input into the DOM. function recipientDivHandler(code, element) { $(“#recipientsDiv”).append(‘<input type=”text” id=”toInput” class=”inlineBlockElement rightSpacer” … Read more

Simulate keypress using Swift

Working with Swift 3 let src = CGEventSource(stateID: CGEventSourceStateID.hidSystemState) let cmdd = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x38, keyDown: true) let cmdu = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x38, keyDown: false) let spcd = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x31, keyDown: true) let spcu = CGEvent(keyboardEventSource: src, virtualKey: 0x31, keyDown: false) spcd?.flags = CGEventFlags.maskCommand; let loc = CGEventTapLocation.cghidEventTap cmdd?.post(tap: loc) spcd?.post(tap: … Read more

How do I send key strokes to a window without having to activate it using Windows API?

Alright, this is kind of disappointing I’m sure, but you fundamentally cannot do this with 100% reliability. Windows assumes that the active window is the one getting keyboard input. The proper way to fake keyboard input is with SendInput, and you’ll notice that it sends messages to the active window only. That being said, you … Read more