How do I capture a key press (or keydown) event on a div element?

(1) Set the tabindex attribute: <div id=”mydiv” tabindex=”0″ /> (2) Bind to keydown: $(‘#mydiv’).on(‘keydown’, function(event) { //console.log(event.keyCode); switch(event.keyCode){ //….your actions for the keys ….. } }); To set the focus on start: $(function() { $(‘#mydiv’).focus(); }); To remove – if you don’t like it – the div focus border, set outline: none in the CSS. … Read more

Listen to key press when the program is in the background

You can use P/Invocation to be able to use WinAPI’s GetAsyncKeyState() function, then check that in a timer. <DllImport(“user32.dll”)> _ Public Shared Function GetAsyncKeyState(ByVal vKey As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Short End Function Const KeyDownBit As Integer = &H8000 Private Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick If (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.LWin) And KeyDownBit) = KeyDownBit AndAlso (GetAsyncKeyState(Keys.O) … Read more

How to detect ESCape keypress in Python?

Python 3 strings are unicode and, therefore, must be encoded to bytes for comparison. Try this test: if msvcrt.kbhit() and msvcrt.getch() == chr(27).encode(): aborted = True break Or this test: if msvcrt.kbhit() and msvcrt.getch().decode() == chr(27): aborted = True break Or this test: if msvcrt.kbhit() and ord(msvcrt.getch()) == 27: aborted = True break

How to know when a user has really released a key in Java?

This could be problematic. I can’t remember for sure (it’s been a long time), but it’s likely the repeating-key feature (which is handled by the underlying operating system, not Java) isn’t providing enough information for the JVM developer to distinguish those additional key events from the ‘real’ one. (I worked on this in the OS/2 … Read more

Make a specific column only accept numeric value in datagridview in Keypress event

Add an event of EditingControlShowing In EditingControlShowing, check that if the current cell lies in the desired column. Register a new event of KeyPress in EditingControlShowing(if above condition is true). Remove any KeyPress event added previously in EditingControlShowing. In KeyPress event, check that if key is not digit then cancel the input. Example: private void … Read more

Removing the delay after KeyDown event?

The answer in the proposed duplicate is incorrect, unfortunately. It doesn’t ignore repeated KeyDown events, and so will gradually increase the “delta” value in the direction being handled by each key case. It also doesn’t respond to the keypress immediately (i.e. no action happens until the first timer tick). This answer to Holding Arrow Keys … Read more

Trigger Keypress with jQuery

Using trigger you are just triggering the event with a keycode but not assigning the value to the textbox. Try this :- String.fromCharCode $(“button”).click(function() { $(“input”).focus(); var e = jQuery.Event(“keydown”); e.which = 77; // # Some key code value $(“input”).val(String.fromCharCode(e.which)); $(“input”).trigger(e); }); $(‘input’).keydown(function(e){ console.log(‘Yes keydown triggered. ‘ + e.which) });

Simulating Key Press event using Python for Linux

Have a look at this its cross-platform control for mouse and keyboard in python Keyboard control works on X11(linux) and Windows systems. But no mac support(when i wrote this answer). from pykeyboard import PyKeyboard k = PyKeyboard() # To Create an Alt+Tab combo k.press_key(k.alt_key) k.tap_key(k.tab_key) k.release_key(k.alt_key)
