Initializer does not override a designated initializer from its superclass

My solution is a quick fix, but I think is easier than what Apple purposes on the the Release Notes. For more information search for 19775924 here. What Apple says is that you create an Objective-C file and extend it (having to add it to the header files and all) and it’s on “Known … Read more

Can I declare variables of different types in the initialization of a for loop? [duplicate]

Yes, that is prohibited. Just as otherwise you cannot declare variables of differing types in one declaration statement (edit: modulo the declarator modifiers that @MrLister mentions). You can declare structs for (struct { int a = 0; short b = 0; } d; d.a < 10; ++d.a, ++d.b ) {} C++03 code: for (struct { … Read more

What Is a Curly-Brace Enclosed List If Not an intializer_list?

It is an braced-init-list. A braced-init-list existed before std::initializer_list and is used to initialize aggregates. int arr[] = {1,2,3,4,5}; The above used a braced-init-list to initialize the array, no std::initializer_list is created. On the other hand when you do std::vector<int> foo = {1,2,3,4,5}; foo is not an aggregate so the braced-init-list is used to create … Read more

Calling a Java method with no name

This: static { System.out.print(“x “); } is a static initialization block, and is called when the class is loaded. You can have as many of them in your class as you want, and they will be executed in order of their appearance (from top to bottom). This: { System.out.print(“y “); } is an initialization block, … Read more

In Ruby, what’s the relationship between ‘new’ and ‘initialize’? How to return nil while initializing?

In Ruby, what’s the relationship between ‘new‘ and ‘initialize‘? new typically calls initialize. The default implementation of new is something like: class Class def new(*args, &block) obj = allocate obj.initialize(*args, &block) # actually, this is obj.send(:initialize, …) because initialize is private obj end end But you can, of course, override it to do anything you … Read more

Class methods which create new instances

They are class methods, not static methods1. This specific type, creating autoreleased objects, can be referred to as “factory methods” (formerly also “convenience constructors”), and they are discussed in the Concepts in ObjC Guide. They go something like this: + (instancetype)whatsisWithThingummy: (Thingummy *)theThingummy { return [[self alloc] initWithThingummy:theThingummy]; } Where Whatsis is your class, and … Read more
