Infinite scrolling with React JS

Basically when scrolling you want to decide which elements are visible and then rerender to display only those elements, with a single spacer element on top and bottom to represent the offscreen elements. Vjeux made a fiddle here which you can look at: jsfiddle. Upon scrolling it executes scrollState: function(scroll) { var visibleStart = Math.floor(scroll … Read more

Scraping a dynamic ecommerce page with infinite scroll

As @nrussell suggested, you can use RSelenium to programatically scroll down the page before getting the source code. You could for example do: library(RSelenium) library(rvest) #start RSelenium checkForServer() startServer() remDr <- remoteDriver() remDr$open() #navigate to your page remDr$navigate(“”) #scroll down 5 times, waiting for the page to load at each time for(i in 1:5){ remDr$executeScript(paste(“scroll(0,”,i*10000,”);”)) … Read more

Adding items to Endless Scroll RecyclerView with ProgressBar at bottom

The problem is that when you add new item internal EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener doesn’t know about it and counters breaking. As a matter of fact answer with EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener has some limitations and possible problems, e.g. if you load 1 item at a time it will not work. So here is an enhanced version. Get rid of EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener … Read more

Changing ViewPager to enable infinite page scrolling

I solved this problem very simply using a little hack in the adapter. Here is my code: public class MyPagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter { public static int LOOPS_COUNT = 1000; private ArrayList<Product> mProducts; public MyPagerAdapter(FragmentManager manager, ArrayList<Product> products) { super(manager); mProducts = products; } @Override public Fragment getItem(int position) { if (mProducts != null && mProducts.size() … Read more