HTTPS connection Python

Python 2.x: Note: HTTPS support is only available if the socket module was compiled with SSL support. Python 3.x: Note HTTPS support is only available if Python was compiled with SSL support (through the ssl module). #!/usr/bin/env python import httplib c = httplib.HTTPSConnection(“”) c.request(“GET”, “”) response = c.getresponse() print response.status, response.reason data = … Read more

How do I get the IP address from a http request using the requests library?

It turns out that it’s rather involved. Here’s a monkey-patch while using requests version 1.2.3: Wrapping the _make_request method on HTTPConnectionPool to store the response from socket.getpeername() on the HTTPResponse instance. For me on python 2.7.3, this instance was available on response.raw._original_response. from requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool import HTTPConnectionPool def _make_request(self,conn,method,url,**kwargs): response = self._old_make_request(conn,method,url,**kwargs) sock = getattr(conn,’sock’,False) if … Read more

How to send POST request?

If you really want to handle with HTTP using Python, I highly recommend Requests: HTTP for Humans. The POST quickstart adapted to your question is: >>> import requests >>> r =“”, data={‘number’: 12524, ‘type’: ‘issue’, ‘action’: ‘show’}) >>> print(r.status_code, r.reason) 200 OK >>> print(r.text[:300] + ‘…’) <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> … Read more