How to get IE9 standards support for dialogs opened by HTA?

A quick Google of the keywords in this question gave me this page on Microsoft MSDN site: The answer to your question is on tha page. The answer is to add an x-ua-compatible meta tag to your HTML’s <head> section. To quote: By default, HTAs display webpages in Compatibility View, which displays standards-mode content … Read more

How can I open a link in the default web browser from an HTA?

Create a shell and attempt to run a URL. This works for me (save as whatever.hta and execute it) on my system. Clicking on the button opens Google in Firefox: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “”> <html lang=”en”> <head> <title>HTA Test</title> <hta:application applicationname=”HTA Test” scroll=”yes” singleinstance=”yes”> <script type=”text/javascript”> function openURL() { var shell = … Read more

JavaScript version in HTA

The used JavaScript (or JScript) version depends on three things: installed Interner Explorer version, used document type declaration (DTD) and x-ua-compatible meta tag. Though HTAs are run by mshta.exe, IE provides the JavaScript and rendering engines to applications, hence everything said later about JS versions, stands for box-models, positioning, CSS etc, and available APIs and … Read more