How to use with DefaultStreamedContent in an ui:repeat?

It is not possible to use <p:graphicImage> this way. You should rather iterate over a collection of unique image identifiers, not over a collection of StreamedContent. Those unique image identifiers have then to be passed as a <f:param> to <p:graphicImage> which in turn will generate the right URLs for the browser. <ui:repeat value=”#{data.imageIds}” var=”imageId”> <p:graphicImage … Read more

Load images from outside of webapps / webcontext / deploy folder using or tag

To the point, it has to be accessible by a public URL. Thus, the <img src> must ultimately refer a http:// URI, not something like a file:// URI or so. Ultimately, the HTML source is executed at enduser’s machine and images are downloaded individually by the webbrowser during parsing the HTML source. When the webbrowser … Read more