Android – Google Play like tabs

Design Support Library (current method). The Design Support Library includes the TabLayout widget which allows you to implement a Google Play-lie tabs: < android:id=”@+id/tabs” android:layout_width=”match_parent” android:layout_height=”wrap_content” /> and then initializing it: TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(; tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(viewPager); For a full example see the Cheesesquare app PagerSlidingTabStrip Library This is a ready-to-use library that you can … Read more

API to automatically upload apk to Google Play? [closed]

As of today there is a new official publishing API That allows you to upload to any channel (ie. alpha, beta…) or update title and description and more. From the docs: Uploading new versions of an app Releasing apps, by assigning APKs to various Tracks (alpha, beta, staged rollout, or production) Creating and modifying Google … Read more

How to grep or search .jar files for OpenSSL?

How do I search the .jar files for Openssl on my MAC? You can check the JAR files with the following script: #!/usr/bin/env bash JAR_FILES=(“httpmime-4.1.3.jar” “libGoogleAnalyticsServices.jar” “opentok-android-sdk-2.3.1.jar” “sc-light-jdk15on-” “scpkix-jdk15on-” “scprov-jdk15on-” “socketio.jar”) for jar_file in “${JAR_FILES[@]}” do echo “************ $jar_file ************” grep ‘1.0.1h’ “$jar_file” done You should replace the string ‘1.0.1h’ with the vulnerable OpenSSL version … Read more

Google Play: We found Ad SDKs in your application

You can run gradlew -q dependencies app:dependencies to see a the dependencies (including all transitive dependencies) for each of your configurations. You can also specify a single configuration, such as with –configuration releaseCompile In your case, you will find that Google Play Services includes a transitive dependency on AdMob. You can mitigate this by using … Read more