The ‘google-api-python-client’ distribution was not found and is required by the application with pyinstaller

Literally just ran into this issue on windows, whereas macOS is okay. I’m building with fbs and PyQt5. The Problem google-api-python-client is not a python module, but a resource, which means you cannot inject it as a hidden-import. googleapiclient.model reads the distribution info from google-api-python-client folder as a packaged resource. Your full error might look … Read more

How do I access (read, write) Google Sheets spreadsheets with Python?

(Jun-Dec 2016) Most answers here are now out-of-date as: 1) GData APIs are the previous generation of Google APIs, and that’s why it was hard for @Josh Brown to find that old GData Docs API documentation. While not all GData APIs have been deprecated, all newer Google APIs do not use the Google Data protocol; … Read more