Youtube video uploads rejected before API quota limit reached

badRequest (400) uploadLimitExceeded The user has exceeded the number of videos they may upload. This isn’t a project based quota which would have been upgraded. This is a user based quota which can not be upgraded. It means that the user in question has exceed their upload limit for the day. The YouTube API has … Read more

Create Spreadsheet using Google Spreadsheet API in Google drive in Java

I finally with help from here managed to create such connection. Everything is working as before. Steps You have to do is: Register at Create new project Under APIs & Auth -> Credential -> Create New Client ID for Service Account When the Client ID is generated You have to generate P12 key. Client … Read more

Google Calendar API v3 – authenticate with hardcoded credentials

I have found a solution that I think that is “the official” for what you want to do. First, you have to activate a Google API “Client ID for installed applications”. Go to the Google API console and create the project. Then, activate the calendar. Go to the “API access” option, and use the “Create … Read more

Google Drive API doesn’t play well with ProGuard (NPE)

A combination of the following has worked for me: -keep class** { *;} -keep interface** { *;} -dontwarn** -dontwarn sun.misc.Unsafe -dontwarn -keepattributes *Annotation*,Signature -keep class * extends { *; } -keep class** { *; } This provided a working proguard compatible solution for a recent Google Drive project. Cannot … Read more
