Why do functions need to be declared before they are used?

How do you propose to resolve undeclared identifiers that are defined in a different translation unit? C++ has no module concept, but has separate translation as an inheritance from C. A C++ compiler will compile each translation unit by itself, not knowing anything about other translation units at all. (Except that export broke this, which … Read more

Finding out which functions are called within a given function [duplicate]

try this example: library(codetools) ff <- function(f) { leaf <- function (e, w) { r <- try(eval(e), silent = TRUE) if(!is.null(r) && is.function(r)) ret <<- c(ret, as.character(e)) } call <- function (e, w) { walkCode(e[[1]], w) for (a in as.list(e[-1])) if (!missing(a)) walkCode(a, w) } ret <- c() walkCode(body(f), makeCodeWalker(call = call, leaf = leaf, … Read more

Why can’t I define a function inside another function?

It is not obvious why one is not allowed; nested functions were proposed a long time ago in N0295 which says: We discuss the introduction of nested functions into C++. Nested functions are well understood and their introduction requires little effort from either compiler vendors, programmers, or the committee. Nested functions offer significant advantages, […] … Read more

Is it possible to define more than one function per file in MATLAB, and access them from outside that file?

The first function in an m-file (i.e. the main function), is invoked when that m-file is called. It is not required that the main function have the same name as the m-file, but for clarity it should. When the function and file name differ, the file name must be used to call the main function. … Read more

Alternative (K&R) C syntax for function declaration versus prototypes

The question you are asking is really two questions, not one. Most replies so far tried to cover the entire thing with a generic blanket “this is K&R style” answer, while in fact only a small part of it has anything to do with what is known as K&R style (unless you see the entire … Read more

JavaScript function declaration and evaluation order

This is neither a scope problem nor is it a closure problem. The problem is in understanding between declarations and expressions. JavaScript code, since even Netscape’s first version of JavaScript and Microsoft’s first copy of it, is processed in two phases: Phase 1: compilation – in this phase the code is compiled into a syntax … Read more
