How to pass multiple variables across multiple pages?
Use sessions: session_start(); on every page $_SESSION[‘name’] = $_POST[‘name’]; then on page3 you can echo $_SESSION[‘name’]
Use sessions: session_start(); on every page $_SESSION[‘name’] = $_POST[‘name’]; then on page3 you can echo $_SESSION[‘name’]
The submit function for that form is completely inaccessible (it has been overwritten). You can steal one from another form though. document.createElement(‘form’)‘myform’)) Doesn’t work in old-IE. (I think support appears from IE7 onwards)
You can’t do this using forms the normal way. Instead, you want to use AJAX. A sample function that will submit the data and alert the page response. function submitForm() { var http = new XMLHttpRequest();“POST”, “<<whereverTheFormIsGoing>>”, true); http.setRequestHeader(“Content-type”,”application/x-www-form-urlencoded”); var params = “search=” + <<get search value>>; // probably use document.getElementById(…).value http.send(params); http.onload = … Read more
You should first submit your form and then change the value of your submit: onClick=”this.form.submit(); this.disabled=true; this.value=”Sending…”; “
The following is a far more elegant solution of the other answer, more fit for modern browsers. My reasoning is that if you need support for older browser you already most likely use a library like jQuery, and thus making this question pointless. /** * Takes a form node and sends it over AJAX. * … Read more
Use the HtmlHelpers to generate your controls rather than manually creating your html so you get 2 way model binding. You will find this easiest if you use a view model public class BookVM { [Required] public int? SelectedBook { get; set; } [Required] public int? SelectedChapter { get; set; } public SelectList BookList { … Read more
Your method could work in theory, but there’s a much easier way. After submitting the form successfully, perform a redirect. It doesn’t matter where to, but it’ll clear the $_POST. header(‘Location:’); In your case, it sounds like you want to redirect to the page you’re already on. Append a $_GET parameter to the URL … Read more
“ASP.NET is preventing the click event being called more than once. Is this true?” No, actually what is happening to you is that your events are blocked by the lock of the session. (What session is on, is a module on that can keeps data for each user that visit the site) So … Read more
I am looking for generic mechanism to avoid form re-submission when the page is refreshed For that there are at least 2 solutions which can not be combined: Perform a redirect after synchronous post. This way the refresh would only re-execute the redirected GET request instead of the initial request. Disadvantage: you can’t make use … Read more
The simpliest way is using ruby core library: require “uri” require “net/http” params = {‘box1’ => ‘Nothing is less important than which fork you use. Etiquette is the science of living. It embraces everything. It is ethics. It is honor. -Emily Post’, ‘button1’ => ‘Submit’ } x = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(‘’), params) puts x.body Pro Tip: Do … Read more