Python: Find equivalent surrogate pair from non-BMP unicode char

You’ll have to manually replace each non-BMP point with the surrogate pair. You could do this with a regular expression: import re _nonbmp = re.compile(r'[\U00010000-\U0010FFFF]’) def _surrogatepair(match): char = assert ord(char) > 0xffff encoded = char.encode(‘utf-16-le’) return ( chr(int.from_bytes(encoded[:2], ‘little’)) + chr(int.from_bytes(encoded[2:], ‘little’))) def with_surrogates(text): return _nonbmp.sub(_surrogatepair, text) Demo: >>> with_surrogates(‘\U0001f64f’) ‘\ud83d\ude4f’

iOS 5: How to convert an Emoji to a unicode character?

Please try this : Convert Emoji to unicode NSData *data = [strEmo dataUsingEncoding:NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding]; NSString *goodValue = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; Very easy to convert unicode to Emoji NSData *data = [strEmo dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSString *goodValue = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding];

Change the iOS keyboard layout to emoji?

Create a subclass of UITextField like this: class EmojiTextField: UITextField { // required for iOS 13 override var textInputContextIdentifier: String? { “” } // return non-nil to show the Emoji keyboard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ override var textInputMode: UITextInputMode? { for mode in UITextInputMode.activeInputModes { if mode.primaryLanguage == “emoji” { return mode } } return nil } } … Read more

Emoji value range

The Unicode standard’s Unicode® Technical Report #51 includes a list of emoji (emoji-data.txt): … 21A9 ; text ; L1 ; none ; j # V1.1 (↩) LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK 21AA ; text ; L1 ; none ; j # V1.1 (↪) RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK 231A ; emoji ; L1 ; none ; j … Read more

Swift countElements() return incorrect value when count flag emoji

Update for Swift 4 (Xcode 9) As of Swift 4 (tested with Xcode 9 beta) grapheme clusters break after every second regional indicator symbol, as mandated by the Unicode 9 standard: let str1 = “🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪” print(str1.count) // 5 print(Array(str1)) // [“🇩🇪”, “🇩🇪”, “🇩🇪”, “🇩🇪”, “🇩🇪”] Also String is a collection of its characters (again), so … Read more

Chromedriver only supports characters in the BMP error while sending Emoji with ChromeDriver Chrome using Selenium Python to Tkinter’s label() textbox

It works for me: from selenium import webdriver JS_ADD_TEXT_TO_INPUT = “”” var elm = arguments[0], txt = arguments[1]; elm.value += txt; elm.dispatchEvent(new Event(‘change’)); “”” browser = webdriver.Chrome(‘C:\\Python37\\chromedriver.exe’) browser.get(“”) elem = browser.find_element_by_name(‘q’) text = “🌎 🌊 ” + u’\u2764′ browser.execute_script(JS_ADD_TEXT_TO_INPUT, elem, text)

How do I remove emoji from string

Karol S already provided a solution, but the reason might not be clear: “\u1F600” is actually “\u1F60” followed by “0”: “\u1F60” # => “ὠ” “\u1F600” # => “ὠ0” You have to use curly braces for code points above FFFF: “\u{1F600}” #=> “😀” Therefore the character class [\u1F600-\u1F6FF] is interpreted as [\u1F60 0-\u1F6F F], i.e. it … Read more

Remove ✅, 🔥, ✈ , ♛ and other such emojis/images/signs from Java strings

Instead of blacklisting some elements, how about creating a whitelist of the characters you do wish to keep? This way you don’t need to worry about every new emoji being added. String characterFilter = “[^\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{N}\\p{P}\\p{Z}\\p{Cf}\\p{Cs}\\s]”; String emotionless = aString.replaceAll(characterFilter,””); So: [\\p{L}\\p{M}\\p{N}\\p{P}\\p{Z}\\p{Cf}\\p{Cs}\\s] is a range representing all numeric (\\p{N}), letter (\\p{L}), mark (\\p{M}), punctuation (\\p{P}), whitespace/separator … Read more