Creating a component with named sub-components?

This Thread helped me creating something as we discussed yesterday. I took the package posted there and modified it a bit. Here is the source: TestComponents.pas unit TestComponents; interface uses Classes; type TParentComponent = class; TChildComponent = class(TComponent) private FParent: TParentComponent; procedure SetParent(const Value: TParentComponent); protected procedure SetParentComponent(AParent: TComponent); override; public destructor Destroy; override; function … Read more

How to use Animated Gif in a delphi form

It’s pretty simple in modern Delphi. It’s all built in. Drop a TImage onto the form and load the animated GIF into the Picture property. Then, start the animation by means of the Animate property: (Image1.Picture.Graphic as TGIFImage).Animate := True; You can control the animation with AnimateLoop and AnimateSpeed. It should be pretty easy to … Read more

Antivirus False positive in my executable

It is surprisingly common that Delphi applications are reported as (potentially) harmful by AV applications. It happened to me a while ago, using Delphi 2009, see At SO, we also have Virus in Delphi 7 Accidentally created a virus? and many more. It might be the actual Induc Virus. But most likely, it is … Read more