How to chain ajax calls using jquery

With a custom object function DeferredAjax(opts) { this.options=opts; this.deferred=$.Deferred();; } DeferredAjax.prototype.invoke=function() { var self=this, data={}; console.log(“Making request for [” + + “]”); return $.ajax({ type: “GET”, url: “wait.php”, data: data, dataType: “JSON”, success: function(){ console.log(“Successful request for [” + + “]”); self.deferred.resolve(); } }); }; DeferredAjax.prototype.promise=function() { return this.deferred.promise(); }; var countries … Read more

How to defer routes definition in Angular.js?

Since routes are defined on a provider level, normally new routes can only be defined in the configuration block. The trouble is that in the configuration block all the vital services are still undefined (most notably $http). So, on the surface it looks like w can’t define routes dynamically. Now, it turns out that in … Read more

Looping through jQuery Deferreds after all promises have been called

Am I using the wrong approach for deferreds and promises? Yes. In the asynchronous callback you should not access promises, but only the callback arguments. The return promise of $.when does resolve with an array of the .resolve() parameters for each of the promises in the array – you can loop over the arguments object … Read more

AngularJS : $q -> deferred API order of things (lifecycle) AND who invokes digest?

Promises have three states Pending – this is how promises start. Fulfilled – this is what happens when you resolve a deferred, or when the return value from .then fulfills, and it generally analogous to a standard return value. Rejected – This is what happens when you reject a deferred, when you throw from a … Read more

angular $q, How to chain multiple promises within and after a for-loop

What you need to use is $q.all which combines a number of promises into one which is only resolved when all the promises are resolved. In your case you could do something like: function outerFunction() { var defer = $q.defer(); var promises = []; function lastTask(){ writeSome(‘finish’).then( function(){ defer.resolve(); }); } angular.forEach( $scope.testArray, function(value){ promises.push(writeSome(value)); … Read more

How to block for a javascript promise and return the resolved result? [duplicate]

You cannot make a synchronous result out of an asynchronous operation in Javascript. You just cannot do it. If any part of your operation is async, the entire result must be async and you must either use a callback, a promise or some other such mechanism to communicate when the operation is done and the … Read more

Promises for promises that are yet to be created without using the deferred [anti]pattern

Promises for promises that are yet to be created …are easy to build by chaining a then invocation with the callback that creates the promise to a promise represents the availability to create it in the future. If you are making a promise for a promise, you should never use the deferred pattern. You should … Read more