How to move .conda from one folder to another at the moment of creating the environment

Configure Environment and Package Default Locations I’d guess that, despite your efforts to put your environments on the large partition, there is still a default user-level package cache and that is filling up the home partition. At minimum, set up a new package cache and a default environments directory on the large partition: # create … Read more

Conda takes 20+ minutes to solve environment when package is already installed

A Common Problem: Suboptimal Channel Prioritization Anaconda distribution is designed and tested to use the anaconda channel (a subset of defaults) as its primary channel. Adding conda-forge in either a higher- (channel_priority: strict) or equal-priority (channel_priority: flexible) configuration opens up many of the packages to be sourced from Conda Forge instead, and this is where … Read more

Conda set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for env only [duplicate]

You can set environment variables when an environment is activated by editing the activate.d/ script. See here: The key portions from that link are: Locate the directory for the conda environment in your Terminal window, such as /home/jsmith/anaconda3/envs/analytics. Enter that directory and create these subdirectories and files: cd /home/jsmith/anaconda3/envs/analytics mkdir -p ./etc/conda/activate.d mkdir -p … Read more

conda update CondaHTTPError: HTTP None

My original answer got flagged as duplicate because I answered a similar question with the same answer, I wasn’t aware that this is not allowed. I have marked my other response as a duplicate. Hopefully, this stays up! I almost spent two days running in circles trying all the solutions I could find on the … Read more