Receive AccessDenied when trying to access a reload or refresh or one in new tab in angular 5

S3 doesn’t understand route open when you reload and open in new tab. You need to tell S3 is for this route used index.html.Whenever new route open its gives 403 [access denied ] error. for this you need to do setting CloudFront to set 403 error page redirect to index.html Go to aws cloud front … Read more

Uploading Image to Amazon s3 with HTML, javascript & jQuery with Ajax Request (No PHP)

Got Amazon S3 & CORS working on js and html5 using XMLHTTPObject based on this article article. 1: CORS only works from a proper URL “http://localhost”. (file///xyz will make you go insane) 2 : Make sure you got the POLICY and Secret compiled correctly – here is my policy and this is the link you … Read more

Cloudfront redirect www to naked domain with ssl [closed]

To host website on AWS so that:, and all redirect to you need to: Create two S3 buckets named: and Turn on the Static Website Hosting on these two buckets. Configure redirect in bucket to: In the bucket properties choose Static Website Hosting => Redirect all requests … Read more

How to set-up a Django project with django-storages and Amazon S3, but with different folders for static files and media files?

I think the following should work, and be simpler than Mandx’s method, although it’s very similar: Create a file: from storages.backends.s3boto import S3BotoStorage StaticRootS3BotoStorage = lambda: S3BotoStorage(location=’static’) MediaRootS3BotoStorage = lambda: S3BotoStorage(location=’media’) Then in your DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = ‘myproject.s3utils.MediaRootS3BotoStorage’ STATICFILES_STORAGE = ‘myproject.s3utils.StaticRootS3BotoStorage’ A different but related example (that I’ve actually tested) can be seen in … Read more

Read file content from S3 bucket with boto3

boto3 offers a resource model that makes tasks like iterating through objects easier. Unfortunately, StreamingBody doesn’t provide readline or readlines. s3 = boto3.resource(‘s3’) bucket = s3.Bucket(‘test-bucket’) # Iterates through all the objects, doing the pagination for you. Each obj # is an ObjectSummary, so it doesn’t contain the body. You’ll need to call # get … Read more

AWS EFS vs EBS vs S3 (differences & when to use?) [closed]

One word answer: MONEY 😀 1 GB to store in US-East-1: (Updated at 2016.dec.20) Glacier: $0.004/Month (Note: Major price cut in 2016) S3: $0.023/Month S3-IA (announced in 2015.09): $0.0125/Month (+$0.01/gig retrieval charge) EBS: $0.045-0.1/Month (depends on speed – SSD or not) + IOPS costs EFS: $0.3/Month Further storage options, which may be used for temporary … Read more

How to upload File in FastAPI, then to Amazon S3 and finally process it?

As per FastAPI’s documentation, UploadFile uses Python’s SpooledTemporaryFile, a “file stored in memory up to a maximum size limit, and after passing this limit it will be stored in disk.”. It “operates exactly as TemporaryFile”, which “is destroyed as soon as it is closed (including an implicit close when the object is garbage collected)”. It … Read more

How can I read an AWS S3 File with Java?

The ‘File’ class from Java doesn’t understand that S3 exists. Here’s an example of reading a file from the AWS documentation: AmazonS3 s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new ProfileCredentialsProvider()); S3Object object = s3Client.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key)); InputStream objectData = object.getObjectContent(); // Process the objectData stream. objectData.close();