php String Concatenation, Performance

No, there is no type of stringbuilder class in PHP, since strings are mutable.

That being said, there are different ways of building a string, depending on what you’re doing.

echo, for example, will accept comma-separated tokens for output.

// This...
echo 'one', 'two';

// Is the same as this
echo 'one';
echo 'two';

What this means is that you can output a complex string without actually using concatenation, which would be slower

// This...
echo 'one', 'two';

// Is faster than this...
echo 'one' . 'two';

If you need to capture this output in a variable, you can do that with the output buffering functions.

Also, PHP’s array performance is really good. If you want to do something like a comma-separated list of values, just use implode()

$values = array( 'one', 'two', 'three' );
$valueList = implode( ', ', $values );

Lastly, make sure you familiarize yourself with PHP’s string type and it’s different delimiters, and the implications of each.

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