For detailed and very useful background, see the answer by mklement0
After much frustration, I have decided to list all variants of quote escaping that I’ve tried, and came up with one more, which suddenly worked!
So, sharing it here:
kubectl patch deployment wapi-backend-d1 --patch '{\"spec\": {\"template\": {\"metadata\": {\"labels\": {\"date\": \"test123\"}}}}}'
This is how to use kubectl patch with Powershell
Also, of note: I was actually trying to patch it with a timestamp to trigger a rolling update without changing tags of container images (so set image would not help me).
When you try to put your JSON into a variable and then call kubectl patch with a variable, you get into trouble with escaping again. This is what I ended up with:
$patchRequest = @{
spec = @{
template = @{
metadata = @{
labels = @{
date = ((((Get-Date -Format o)).replace(':','-').replace('+','_')))
$patchJson = ((ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $patchRequest -Compress -Depth 10))
$patchJson = $patchJson.replace('"','\"')
kubectl patch deployment wapi-backend-d1 --patch $patchJson