Store a reference to the first message before you prepend new messages, and after you prepend, set the scroll to the offset of that message:
$(document).on('scroll', function() {
var scroll = $(document).scrollTop();
if (scroll < 1) {
// Store eference to first message
var firstMsg = $('.message:first');
// Prepend new message here (I'm just cloning...)
// After adding new message(s), set scroll to position of
// what was the first message
Edit: I noticed you wanted it with a button. You might have to do a little more math:
$(document).on('click', '#loadMore', function() {
var firstMsg = $('.message:first');
// Where the page is currently:
var curOffset = firstMsg.offset().top - $(document).scrollTop();
// Prepend
// Offset to previous first message minus original offset/scroll