To recap/Full guide:
Before making any change, create a new model version.
In Xcode 4: Select your
-> Editor -> Add Model Version.In Xcode 3: Design -> Data Model -> Add Model Version.
You will see that a new
is created in your.xcdatamodeld
folder (which is also created if you have none). -
Select your new
and make the change you wish to employ in accordance with the Lightweight Migration documentation. -
Set the current/active schema to the newly created schema.
With the
folder selected:In Xcode 4: Utilities sidebar -> File Inspector -> Versioned Core Data Model -> Select the new schema.
In Xcode 3: Design > Data Model > Set Current Version.
The green tick on the
icon will move to the new schema. -
Implement the necessary code to perform migration at runtime.
Where your
is created (usually AppDelegate class), for theoptions
parameter, replacenil
with the following code:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSMigratePersistentStoresAutomaticallyOption, [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption, nil]
Run your app. If there’s no crash, you’ve probably successfully migrated 🙂
When you have successfully migrated, the migration code (step 7) can be removed. (It is up to the developer to determine when the users of a published app can be deemed to have migrated.)
IMPORTANT: Do not delete old model versions/schemas. Core Data needs the old version to migrate to the new version.