How to draw a line between draggable and droppable?

  • updated (08.Jul.2013) Updated with latest versions of libraries; html refactored using JsRender;
  • updated (29.Sep.2011) Added GIT Repo; cleaned the code; update to latest framework versions;
  • updated (03.Mar.2013) Fixed links with working example;

Current example uses:

  • HTML 5 doctype
  • jQuery v.1.10.2
  • jQuery UI v.1.10.3
  • Raphael v.2.0.1
  • JsRender v.1pre35 (optional, used for HTML simplification)


Source code in Git Repository


Page demo at JSBIN

Works on FF, IE, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

tested on:

  • Firefox 6 and 7 .. 22
  • IE 8 and 9 .. 10
  • Chrome 12+ .. 27
  • Safari 5+ .. 6
  • Opera 11.51 .. 15

to show you all, I just made a little demo of my accomplishment (I am a proud person today!):

Video demo

and a little image:

alt text

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