QUICK and EASY method.
We will use pythons Thread Library to acheive this.
Your API consumer has sent something to process and which is processed by my_task() function which takes 10 seconds to execute.
But the consumer of the API wants a response as soon as they hit your API which is return_status() function.
You tie the my_task to a thread and then return the quick response to the API consumer, while in the background the big process gets compelete.
Below is a simple POC.
import os
from flask import Flask,jsonify
import time
from threading import Thread
app = Flask(__name__)
def main():
return "Welcome!"
def return_status():
"""Return first the response and tie the my_task to a thread"""
Thread(target = my_task).start()
return jsonify('Response asynchronosly')
def my_task():
"""Big function doing some job here I just put pandas dataframe to csv conversion"""
import pandas as pd
pd.DataFrame(['sameple data']).to_csv('./success.csv')
return print('large function completed')
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host="", port=8080)