It’s all about which you find the most readable. Of course, this will vary with each situation. If you were doing an entire page, and there were large sections which did not have any PHP in it, then I’d break out of PHP and just write the plain HTML, whereas if there was a section which had a lot of PHP variables, I’d do it all in PHP.
For example:
<td colspan="<?php echo $numCols; ?>">
<?php echo $a; ?>, <?php echo $b; ?>, and <?php echo $c?>
echo "<table>"
. "<tr>"
. "<td colspan=\"" . $numCols . "\">"
. $a . ", " . $b . " and " . $c
. "</td>"
. "</tr>"
. "</table>"
; ?>
echo "<table>
<td colspan='{$numCols}'>
{$a}, {$b}, and {$c}
Also don’t forget about printf
. "<tr>"
. "<td colspan=\"%d\">%s, %s and %s</td>"
. "</tr>"
. "</table>"
, $numCols
, $a
, $b
, $c