Eclipse/Maven: JUnit tests not compiled when running them

I had the same problem with STS Eclipse (Spring development variant), m2e and JUnit. The solution was to set the output folder for src/test/java to target/test-classes:

  1. Right click the src/test/java folder in the Package Explorer
  2. Select Build Path -> Configure Output Folder
  3. Enter target/test-classes, click OK

Now the changes in test classes are compiled correctly and you should be able to run JUnit tests in Eclipse.

The problem is that Eclipse compiles the unit tests to the default output folder target/classes while JUnit plugin correctly tries to run them from test-classes.

There are a few duplicates to this question:

  • ClassNotFoundException when running JUnit unit tests within Eclipse (using Maven)
  • Eclipse doesn’t see my new junit test
  • junit not using the newest file

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