Conditional CSS based on background color variable

There’s contrast function, e.g.:

li {
    color: contrast(@bodyBackground,
            lighten(@bodyBackground, 13%),
             darken(@bodyBackground, 13%));

You can be much smarter than this. You can make a mixin to check the provided color, and perform either a darken or lighten depending on its color:

.smart-text-color (@a) when (lightness(@a) >= 50%) {
  // Its a light color return a dark output
  color: darken(@a, 60%);
.smart-text-color (@a) when (lightness(@a) < 50%) {
  // Its a dark color return a dark output
  color: lighten(@a, 60%);

Here is an example mixin, that takes the background color as the variable, and works out what text color to use. Returning either a light or dark output.

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