What is the difference between ProgramData and AppData?

To put it straight, ProgramData contains application data that is not user specific.This data will be available to all users on the computer. Any global data should be put in here. AppData folder contains configuration settings, downloaded information/files for a particular user. So, for example any user specific preferences and profile configurations can be stored … Read more

Visual Studio Code “Open With Code” does not appear after right-clicking a folder

Copied from Right click on Windows folder and open with Visual Studio Code Create file vsCodeOpenFolder.reg with this content (If you didn’t choose the default installation path then you need to adjust the paths in this file): Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Open files [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with VS Code] @=”Edit with VS Code” “Icon”=”C:\\Program Files … Read more

SAPI and Windows 7 Problem

Perhaps you want to use the .net System.Speech namespace instead of SAPI? There is a very good article that was published a few years ago at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163663.aspx. It is probably the best introductory article I’ve found so far. It is a little out of date, but very helfpul. (The AppendResultKeyValue method was dropped after the … Read more