Error “‘git’ is not recognized as an internal or external command”

You may not have set your PATH correctly to point at your Git installation. You need to add the following paths to PATH: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\ C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\ And check that these paths are correct. You may have Git installed on a different drive, or under Program Files (x86). Correct the paths if necessary. Modifying PATH … Read more

How do I remove the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows? [closed]

Step 1: Open up cmd.exe (note: you may need to run it as an administrator, but this isn’t always necessary), then run the below command: netstat -ano | findstr :<PORT> (Replace <PORT> with the port number you want, but keep the colon) The area circled in red shows the PID (process identifier). Locate the PID … Read more

What is the range of a Windows HANDLE on a 64 bits application?

MSDN states: Interprocess Communication Between 32-bit and 64-bit Applications 64-bit versions of Windows use 32-bit handles for interoperability. When sharing a handle between 32-bit and 64-bit applications, only the lower 32 bits are significant, so it is safe to truncate the handle (when passing it from 64-bit to 32-bit) or sign-extend the handle (when passing … Read more

Reliable way of generating unique hardware ID

It seems to me that you should construct the unique ID corresponding to your requirements. This ID can be constructed as a hash (like MD5, SHA1 or SHA512) from the information which is important for you (some information about software and hardware component). You can make your solution more secure if you sign such hash … Read more

Makefile error make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified

The error process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, pscp blob.txt username@hostname:/folder/, …) failed. make (e=2): The system cannot find the file specified. is almost certainly complaining that Windows cannot find pscp. This is almost certainly because the value of %PATH% (or whatever) is different when make spawns a shell/console then when you have it open manually. Compare the values … Read more

How Can I Install TypeScript with Visual Studio 2010

TypeScript Version Typescript 0.9.5+ have a dependency on Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.11.0.dll. Therefore, these instructions will no longer be updated. The following is provided for educational purposes. Please adhere to all licensing and redistribution requirements. For prior versions of TypeScript, please see the edit history for this answer. Close Visual Studio Intall the Wix Toolset Download TypeScript … Read more

Why is ruby so much slower on windows?

I would guess there are a few possible options, and they probably all add up: Ruby being mainly developed on Linux, it ends up mechanically optimised for it. The code is regularly tested for Windows and everything works, but the result is still that developer will spend more time optimising for Linux than Windows. To … Read more
