Is there a Selenium WebDriver available for the Microsoft Edge browser?

Yes, there is a WebDriver implementation for Microsoft Edge. Its initial availability was announced on 23 July 2015. Language bindings in the Selenium open source project have been updated to take advantage of this driver implementation, and those updates have been released in Selenium 2.47. Note that the Java language bindings were re-released as 2.47.1 … Read more

Capturing JavaScript error in Selenium

I’m doing this to capture JavaScript errors: [TestCleanup] public void TestCleanup() { var errorStrings = new List<string> { “SyntaxError”, “EvalError”, “ReferenceError”, “RangeError”, “TypeError”, “URIError” }; var jsErrors = Driver.Manage().Logs.GetLog(LogType.Browser).Where(x => errorStrings.Any(e => x.Message.Contains(e))); if (jsErrors.Any()) { Assert.Fail(“JavaScript error(s):” + Environment.NewLine + jsErrors.Aggregate(“”, (s, entry) => s + entry.Message + Environment.NewLine)); } }

How do you click on a checkbox from a list of checkboxes via Selenium/Webdriver in Java?

If you already know the id of the checkbox, you can use this method to click select it: string checkboxXPath = “//input[contains(@id, ‘lstCategory_0′)]” IWebElement elementToClick = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(checkboxXPath)); elementToClick.Click(); Assuming that you have several checkboxes on the page with similar ids, you may need to change ‘lstCategory_0’ to something more specific. This is written in C#, … Read more

How do I enable WebGL in headless chrome in Ubuntu?

This worked for me to get chrome to use osmesa sudo apt-get install libosmesa sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /opt/google/chrome/ google-chrome –no-first-run –user-data-dir=~/chrome-stuff –use-gl=osmesa Warning: When running with osmesa the entire page is rendered with osmesa making it pretty slow. So, if there are tests you have that can run without WebGL you probably want to … Read more

How to open Chrome browser console through Selenium?

To open chrome browser console you can use the ChromeOptions class with –auto-open-devtools-for-tabs argument as follows: Test Configuration: Selenium: Selenium Standalone Server v3.14.0 ChromeDriver: ChromeDriver 2.46.628402 Chrome: Google Chrome 72.0.3626.96 Code Block: import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import; import; public class A_Chrome_Browser_Console { public static void main(String[] args) { System.setProperty(“”, “C:\\Utility\\BrowserDrivers\\chromedriver.exe”); ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions(); … Read more

WebDriverError: disconnected: unable to connect to renderer

I had similar error. But versions were matching: I was using Chrome 65 with driver version 2.38. I spent long time, trying to understand the issue. At the end, found that it was caused by empty /etc/hosts file. Apparently Chrome communicates via localhost, and if such entry missing in /etc/hosts – it will crash. So, … Read more

Only local connections are allowed Chrome and Selenium webdriver

This is just an informational message. Your issue might be a missmatch between the versions of chromedriver and selenium-server-standalone. Try with the latest selenium version 3.0, it is working for me. Please not that for selenium 3.0 you need to specify the driver first and after the selenium server. With the new selenium, which is … Read more

Selenium Grid: MaxSessions vs MaxInstances

Nice question….i would say it’s bit confusing…. But will try to answer it in simple terms.. MaxInstances This says….how many instances of same version of browser can run over the Remote System. For example, i have a FF12,IE and i declared the command as follows -browser browserName=firefox,version=12,maxInstances=5,platform=LINUX -browser browserName=InternetExplorer,version=9.0,maxInstances=5,platform=LINUX So i can run 5 instances … Read more

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