EOL conversion in notepad ++

That functionality is already built into Notepad++. From the “Edit” menu, select “EOL Conversion” -> “UNIX/OSX Format”. screenshot of the option for even quicker finding (or different language versions) You can also set the default EOL in notepad++ via “Settings” -> “Preferences” -> “New Document/Default Directory” then select “Unix/OSX” under the Format box.

Multiple word search and replace in notepad++

Try a regular expression replace of (good)|(great)|(fine) with (?1bad)(?2worse)(?3not). The search looks for either of three alternatives separated by the |. Each alternative has ist own capture brackets. The replace uses the conditional form ?Ntrue-expression:false-expression where N is decimal digit, the clause checks whether capture expression N matches. Tested in Notepad++ 6.3 Update: You can … Read more