How can I create an MSI setup?
You can use Wix (which is free) to create an MSI installation package. WiX Tutorial – Creating an Installer MSI with Wix
You can use Wix (which is free) to create an MSI installation package. WiX Tutorial – Creating an Installer MSI with Wix
Unfortunately there’s no way to do a “safe” association with Windows Installer. We just write everything out to the registry and then have a separate component that takes over the system-wide default and is only installed if no other application has already registered itself as the default. With Vista there’s the new “default programs” interface, … Read more
cargo install is used to install binary packages that happen to be distributed through If you want to use a crate as a dependency, add it to your Cargo.toml. Read the Rust getting started guide and the Cargo getting started guide for further information. In short: cargo new my_project cd my_project echo ‘curl = … Read more
The problem is that my custom uninstallation action runs after the removal of standard install files That’s because you have scheduled it before InstallFiles, which comes after RemoveFiles in a standard InstallExecuteSequence. You can also open your MSI file in an editor like Orca or InstEd and have a look at the InstallExecuteSequence table. Sort … Read more
Add /d option to the command line of signtool.exe when signing your MSI: signtool.exe /d “Your Software Name” UAC confirmation dialog will show Your Software Name as the Program name.
That should be (see the docs): cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..
I think the problem is in different versions of 7zip and 7zip.sfx used. Unfortunately SFX file is absent in most recent 7zip packages. Here is link to 7zip_extra from some old version that has both SFX file and .bat file to create the installer. Works fine for me.
It would be rather difficult to update the progress bar, while another process is running. I do not see a point of endeavoring it, as you are unlikely able to tell the progress of the sub-installer, so you won’t know what to update the progress bar to. Except for special cases, when the sub-installer provides … Read more
Note : If you are using iTunes 12.7.0 or above then use Solution 2 else use Solution 1. Solution 1 cannot be used with iTunes 12.7.0 or above since Apps section has been removed from iTunes by Apple Solution 1 : Using iTunes 12.7 below Tested on iTunes 12 with Mac OS X (Yosemite) 10.10.3 … Read more
You can install it by first extracting all the files from the ISO and then overwriting those files with the files from the ZIP. Then you can run the batch file as administrator to do the installation. Most of the packages install on windows 7, but I haven’t tested yet how well they work.