What’s the difference between parse trees and abstract syntax trees (ASTs)?

This is based on the Expression Evaluator grammar by Terrence Parr. The grammar for this example: grammar Expr002; options { output=AST; ASTLabelType=CommonTree; // type of $stat.tree ref etc… } prog : ( stat )+ ; stat : expr NEWLINE -> expr | ID ‘=’ expr NEWLINE -> ^(‘=’ ID expr) | NEWLINE -> ; expr … Read more

How was the first compiler written?

Assembly instructions are (generally) a direct mapping to opcodes, which are (multi-)byte values of machine code that can be directly interpreted by the processor. It is quite possible to write a program in opcodes directly by looking them up from a table (such as this one for the 6039 microprocessor, for example) that lists them … Read more

Learning Resources on Parsers, Interpreters, and Compilers [closed]

The best paper I ever read on compilers is dated 1964 “META II a syntax-oriented compiler writing language” by Val Schorre. (http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/800257.808896) In 10 pages, he shows you how to build an astoundingly simple but very effective compiler-compiler, provides you with with the compiler-compiler grammar and provides you with enough details for you to hand … Read more

Learning to write a compiler [closed]

Big List of Resources: A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education ¶ Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation $ An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction ¶ ANTLR 3.x Video Tutorial Basics of Compiler Design Building a Parrot Compiler Compiler Basics Compiler Construction $ Compiler Design and Construction $ Crafting a Compiler with C $ Crafting Interpreters [Compiler … Read more