You should use new HttpClient to consume your HTTP APIs. What I can additionally advise you to make your calls fully asynchronous. As ASP.NET MVC controller actions support Task-based Asynchronous Programming model, it is pretty powerful and easy.
Here is an overly simplified example. The following code is the helper class for a sample request:
public class CarRESTService {
readonly string uri = "http://localhost:2236/api/cars";
public async Task<List<Car>> GetCarsAsync() {
using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient()) {
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Car>>(
await httpClient.GetStringAsync(uri)
Then, I can consume that through my MVC controller asynchronously as below:
public class HomeController : Controller {
private CarRESTService service = new CarRESTService();
public async Task<ActionResult> Index() {
return View("index",
await service.GetCarsAsync()
You can have a look at the below post to see the effects of asynchronous I/O operations with ASP.NET MVC:
My Take on Task-based Asynchronous Programming in C# 5.0 and ASP.NET MVC Web Applications