Alternatives For iOS Development Under Windows [duplicate]

You might find following solutions handy. I have tried to comment those I am more familiar with:

  • PhoneGap
  • Sencha Touch – Nice JS framework. Check out their demos.
  • Rhomobile
  • Appcelerator Titanium
  • jQuery Mobile – Version of jQuery optimized for mobile devices.
  • jQTouch – jQuery plugin for mobile development
  • CrossMobs – Sdk for iOS and android development (no mac needed).
  • Nomad – Visual Studio extension for cloud PhoneGap builds (no mac needed).
  • Delphi XE4 – Delphi XE 4 (no mac needed, you can use macincloud)

Hopefully you’ll find an alternative fitting your purposes. It really depends on what you already know. For instance if you are already familiar with Ext JS using Sencha Touch seems like a no-brainer to me.

To get an app to App Store it looks like the only solution (at least AFAIK) is to use PhoneGap for packaging your JS app. You will need XCode (mac) for this. Perhaps it’s possible to use a virtualized version of OS X for this as well though I cannot guarantee this will work.

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