You can always access the directory
in which your app is placed.This directory is usually :
com.android.appName>/files/<your_filename>but better use
ensure valid filepath with future
version changes of android. -
If you wanna use external storage
instead, make sure you place this
line of code in your app manifest to
gain permission.<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
Then use the sdcard directory :
//usually : /sdcard/<your_filename> -
Otherwise, you can root the device
and gain access to the whole
filesystem. But you’ll have to
request all of your app users to get
root access on their device before
using your application. Some games
use this way of doing things, but I
wouldn’t recommend it. If you still
wanna do this, lookupSuperuser
app for android, it’s free and
Once you have the android directory, just create a JNI native method that receive a jstring parameter, and you set it up inside your native code. Convert it into a std::string, and you’ll be ready to use it with fopen().
//Inside your java activity
File f = this.getApplicationContext().getFilesDir();
//Inside your JNI wrapper
JNIEXPORT bool JNICALL Java_com_android_appName_LibLoader_setupArchiveDir(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jstring dir)
const char* temp = env->GetStringUTFChars(dir, NULL);
std::string stringDir(temp);
// Will be receive as a std::string inside C++ code
Edit :
You might need to manualy creates the /files in C before being able to use it on the first time :
int result_code = mkdir("/data/data/com.app/files/", 0770)
Cheers !