Why is Function[-A1,…,+B] not about allowing any supertypes as parameters?

Covariance and contravariance are qualities of the class not qualities of the parameters. (They are qualities that depend on the parameters, but they make statements about the class.)

So, Function1[-A,+B] means that a function that takes superclasses of A can be viewed as a subclass of the original function.

Let’s see this in practice:

class A
class B extends A
val printB: B => Unit = { b => println("Blah blah") }
val printA: A => Unit = { a => println("Blah blah blah") }

Now suppose you require a function that knows how to print a B:

def needsB(f: B => Unit, b: B) = f(b)

You could pass in printB. But you could also pass in printA, since it also knows how to print Bs (and more!), just as if A => Unit was a subclass of B => Unit. This is exactly what contravariance means. It doesn’t mean you can pass Option[Double] into printB and get anything but a compile-time error!

(Covariance is the other case: M[B] <: M[A] if B <: A.)

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