What is the purpose of the add_loss function in Keras?

I’ll try to answer the original question of why model.add_loss() is being used instead of specifying a custom loss function to model.compile(loss=...).

All loss functions in Keras always take two parameters y_true and y_pred. Have a look at the definition of the various standard loss functions available in Keras, they all have these two parameters. They are the ‘targets’ (the Y variable in many textbooks) and the actual output of the model. Most standard loss functions can be written as an expression of these two tensors. But some more complex losses cannot be written in that way. For your VAE example this is the case because the loss function also depends on additional tensors, namely z_log_var and z_mean, which are not available to the loss functions. Using model.add_loss() has no such restriction and allows you to write much more complex losses that depend on many other tensors, but it has the inconvenience of being more dependent on the model, whereas the standard loss functions work with just any model.

(Note: The code proposed in other answers here are somewhat cheating in as much as they just use global variables to sneak in the additional required dependencies. This makes the loss function not a true function in the mathematical sense. I consider this to be much less clean code and I expect it to be more error-prone.)

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