What are the advantages of using an ORM? [closed]

I’d say that if you aren’t dealing with objects there’s little point in using an ORM.

If your relational tables/columns map 1:1 with objects/attributes, there’s not much point in using an ORM.

If your objects don’t have any 1:1, 1:m or m:n relationships with other objects, there’s not much point in using an ORM.

If you have complex, hand-tuned SQL, there’s not much point in using an ORM.

If you’ve decided that your database will have stored procedures as its interface, there’s not much point in using an ORM.

If you have a complex legacy schema that can’t be refactored, there’s not much point in using an ORM.

So here’s the converse:

If you have a solid object model, with relationships between objects that are 1:1, 1:m, and m:n, don’t have stored procedures, and like the dynamic SQL that an ORM solution will give you, by all means use an ORM.

Decisions like these are always a choice. Choose, implement, measure, evaluate.

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