An attribute is still a complex element according to DOM (has a namespace etc.). Use:
//table[php:function('preg_match', '/post\d+/', string(@id))]
Now, we need a boolean return, so:
function booleanPregMatch($match,$string){
return preg_match($match,$string)>0;
foreach($xpath->query("//table[@id and php:function('booleanPregMatch', '/post\d+/', string(@id))]") as $key => $row){
echo $row->ownerDocument->saveXML($row);
BTW: for more complex issues, you can of course sneakily check what’s happening with this:
It’s a shame we don’t have XPATH 2.0 functions available, but if you can handle this requirement with a more unreliable starts-with
, I’d always prefer that over importing PHP functions.