Use CoreData or SQLite on iPhone? [closed]

This is a common question here:

  • “Core Data vs. SQLite for SQL experienced developers”
  • “Core Data vs Sqlite and performance…”
  • “Core Data vs sqlite3”
  • “is it worth using core data for a simple sqlite app on the iphone with one table and no relationships or complicated subtable/views?”

In summary, Core Data can greatly simplify your code, particularly for complex object models. You get undo / redo support almost for free with it. It also provides some very significant performance benefits, particularly on the iPhone. Even though it seems counterintuitive, given how much overhead you’d think the framework has, in most cases you can beat the performance of hand-tuned SQLite using Core Data. On the iPhone, it does a great job of batching fetches to minimize memory usage.

The one downside, as pointed out, is that this limits you by requiring iPhone OS 3.0 for your end users. However, this has not been a problem at all for my users, and will only become less of one going forward.

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