Unable to resolve module ‘AccessibilityInfo’, when trying to create release bundle

It seems like a bug in 0.56 related to dependencies. The “solution” is to find the correct combination of dependencies’ versions. We found a workaround by installing those versions EXACTLY:

react-native >> 0.55.4
babel-core >> latest 
babel-loader >> latest
babel-preset-react-native >> 4.0.0

So you have to run those commands in order:

react-native init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
react-native run-android
npm uninstall react-native
npm install --save react-native@0.55.4
react-native run-android
npm install --save babel-core@latest babel-loader@latest
npm uninstall --save babel-preset-react-native
npm install --save babel-preset-react-native@4.0.0
react-native run-android

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