UILocalNotification Repeat Interval for Custom Alarm (sun, mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat)

You cannot set custom repeat intervals with UILocalNotification. This has been asked before (see below) but only limited options are provided. The repeatInterval parameter is an enum type and it limited to specific values.

You cannot multiply those enumerations and get multiples of those intervals. You cannot have more than 64 local notifications set in your app. You cannot reschedule a notification once it fires unless the user chooses to run your app when the notification fires (they may not run it).

There is a request for repeat interval multipliers posted here. You can add comments to it. I suggest filing a bug report or feature request (url?) with Apple.

  • How to set Local Notification repeat interval to custom time interval?
  • Custom repeat interval for UILocalNotification
  • Custom UILocalNotification repeat interval
  • UILocalNotification Repeat
  • non-fixed repeatInterval in UILocalNotification
  • Can I have custom UILocalNotification repeat intervals (i.e. weekdays only?)
  • Repeating UILocalNotifications with Gaps
  • Repeat UILocalNotification on certain days of week

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