text-overflow:ellipsis in Firefox 4? (and FF5)

Spudley, you could achieve the same thing by writing a small JavaScript using jQuery:

var limit = 50;
var ellipsis = "...";
if( $('#limitedWidthTextBox').val().length > limit) {
   // -4 to include the ellipsis size and also since it is an index
   var trimmedText = $('#limitedWidthTextBox').val().substring(0, limit - 4); 
   trimmedText += ellipsis;

I understand that there should be some way that all browsers support this natively (without JavaScript) but, that’s what we have at this point.

Also, you could make it more neat by attaching a css class to all those fixed width field say fixWidth
and then do something like the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
   $('.fixWidth').each(function() {
      var limit = 50;
      var ellipsis = "...";
      var text = $(this).val();
      if (text.length > limit) {
         // -4 to include the ellipsis size and also since it is an index
         var trimmedText = text.substring(0, limit - 4); 
         trimmedText += ellipsis;

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